Miracles do Happen


Greetings saints of HUMC, I pray that God has sustained you during this week. Let us thank Him by gathering on Sunday to praise and worship Him. Scripture will come from John 2:1-10 with a message entitled “Miracles Do Happen” I look forward to our time together. Pastor Hull

Join us this Sunday for our in-person worship at 11:00 am, where Pastor Hull will bring the message “Miracles Do Happen” with scripture reading John 2:1-10. We would love to see you in the sanctuary, but understand there are still concerns about group settings. Our Facebook live service will begin at approximately 11:20-11:25, so please join us then. We look forward to sharing worship with you whether in the sanctuary or from your home!

Due to the Covid virus continuing to rise in numbers recently, we remain on a mandatory mask status for in-person services and have hand sanitizer stations in both buildings, as well as clean and sanitize the sanctuary after each Sunday service. We appreciate your continued cooperation in this safety measure and helping to keep us all safe and healthy.


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

Remember your Baptism?

Message from Pastor Hull......

Greetings saints of HUMC, Let's gather again and celebrate God's word. We will share scripture from Mark 3:15-17, 21-22 with a subject entitled " Remember Your Baptism " I look forward to our time together. Pastor Hull

Join us this Sunday for our in-person worship at 11:00 am, where Pastor Hull will bring the message “Remember Your Baptism?” with scripture reading from Mark 3:15-17, 21-22. We would love to see you in the sanctuary, but understand there are still concerns about meeting in group settings. Our Facebook live service will begin at approximately 11:20-11:25, so please join us then. We look forward to sharing worship with you whether in the sanctuary or from your home!

Due to the Covid virus continuing to rise in numbers recently, we remain on a mandatory mask status for in-person services and have hand sanitizer stations in both buildings, as well as clean and sanitize the sanctuary after each Sunday service. We appreciate your continued cooperation in this safety measure and helping to keep us all safe and healthy.

What Are You Searching For?

Message from Pastor Hull…..

Greetings saints of HUMC, Let us gather for Epiphany of the Lord Sunday. We will share the Christmas story from Matthew 2: 1-12, “What Are You Searching For?” See you in worship! Pastor Hull

Join us this Epiphany Sunday and first Communion Sunday of 2022 for our in-person worship at 11:00 am, where Pastor Hull will bring the message “What are you Searching For?” with scripture reading from Matthew 2:1-12. We would love to see you in the sanctuary, but understand there are still concerns about meeting in group settings. Our Facebook live service will begin at approximately 11:20-11:25, so please join us then. Be prepared with our communion elements at home! We look forward to sharing worship with you whether in the sanctuary or from your home!

Due to the Covid virus continuing to rise in numbers recently, we remain on a mandatory mask status for in-person services and have hand sanitizer stations in both buildings, as well as clean and sanitize the sanctuary after each Sunday service. We appreciate your continued cooperation in this safety measure and helping to keep us all safe and healthy.

No Christmas Eve Service

Good morning,

Just a brief note to make you aware there will not be a Christmas Eve service this year due to work schedule of Pastor Hull and the uptick in Covid cases. We wish everyone a safe and Merry Christmas and pray it is filled with family, friends and lots of love! We will have in person service on Sunday, December 26th, so please plan to join us then at 11:00, or at 11:20 on Facebook.

Faithful Living

Message from Pastor Hull…..

Greetings saints of HUMC! Let us endeavor to celebrate Christmas (again) on Sunday. I look forward to renewed gathering, worship, and high praise. We will share a word from the book of Colossians 3:12-17, and a subject of “Faithful Living“ I look forward to sharing with each of you. Pastor Hull

Join us this Sunday of the Christmas season for our in-person worship at 11:00 am, where Pastor Hull will bring the message “Faithful Living” with scripture reading from Colossians 3:12-17. We would love to see you in the sanctuary, but understand there are still concerns about meeting in group settings. Our Facebook live service will begin at approximately 11:20-11:25, so please join us then. We look forward to sharing worship with you whether in the sanctuary or from your home!

Due to the Covid virus continuing to rise in numbers recently, we remain on a mandatory mask status for in-person services and have hand sanitizer stations in both buildings, as well as clean and sanitize the sanctuary after each Sunday service. We appreciate your continued cooperation in this safety measure and helping to keep us all safe and healthy.


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

Because You’re Favored

Message from Pastor Hull……

Greetings faithful people! I know that in light of recent circumstances, it would be really easy to feel down, disappointed etc.; however, we will remain thankful and optimistic concerning God’s plan for HUMC. There will be a virtual service on Sunday at 11:20 am ( so we can accommodate our Facebook followers) with a word from Luke 1: 39-45 “Because You’re Favored” We are still a favored church, so let’s press on until we meet again. Your humble servant in Christ, Pastor Hull

Join us this fourth Sunday of Advent for our virtual service via Facebook Live at 11:20 am when Pastor Hull will bring God’s message “Because You’re Favored” with scripture reading from Lune 1:39-45. We look forward to sharing worship with you this Sunday from our homes and can’t wait to meet again in the sanctuary when the time is right! Prayers that all stay healthy and enjoy this Christmas season.


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

Virtual Service this Sunday

In light of recent information regarding a Hollydale member testing positive for COVID, it is in the best health interest of Hollydale and its members that worship be virtual this next Sunday, December 19th.  

We want to make all aware (vaccinated and especially unvaccinated) that anyone in attendance this past Sunday should review the CDC recommended procedures for possible exposure and quarantine.   The individual attended both Sunday school and worship service, but wore a mask during the worship service as required.  The church was sanitized after our service as it is every Sunday.  We are of course being respectful of confidentiality.  Below please find a link to the CDC website with guidelines relating to any exposure situation and what you should do to protect yourself and others.  Please take any and all necessary precautions you feel necessary to protect yourself and loved ones.  Keep in prayer those that have health issues and are susceptible to the virus.  Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.  


What Shall we do?

Message from Pastor Hull……

Greetings saints of HUMC.  Let us gather for the 3rd Sunday of Advent.  We will be blessed to have a guest evangelist.  Sister Marjorie Woods of Union Chapel UMC will deliver the message from Luke 3:7-18 “What Shall We Do?”  My family and I will be joining you via Facebook live.  Be Blessed, Pastor Hull

Join us this third Sunday of Advent at 11:00 for our in-person worship.  Pastor Hull will be out of town celebrating his son TJ’s graduation from college (Congrats TJ!!), but as he mentioned above we have a guest evangelist, Marjorie Woods from Union Chapel UMC who will bring the message"What Shall We Do?" with scripture reading from Luke 3:7-18.  

We would love to see you in the sanctuary, but understand there are those who are still not comfortable in group settings.  Our Facebook live service will begin at approximately 11:25-11:30, so please join us then.  We look forward to sharing worship with you whether in the sanctuary or from your home!  

We remain on a mandatory mask status for in-person services.  We appreciate your cooperation in this safety measure and helping to keep us all safe and healthy. 



God’s Speaking

Message from Pastor Hull…….

Greetings saints of HUMC. Let’s gather and celebrate the 2nd Sunday of Advent in unison with Holy Communion. Every Sunday of the Advent season is a little different, so let’s embrace each week. There is a word from Luke’s gospel, LUKE 3: 1-6, “God’s Speaking” Join me at Hollydale. Pastor Hull

Join us this second Sunday of Advent and Communion Sunday at 11:00 for our in-person worship. Pastor Hull will bring his message "God’s Speaking" with scripture reading from Luke 3:1-6. We would love to see you in the sanctuary, but understand there are those who are still not comfortable in group settings. Our Facebook live service will begin at approximately 11:25-11:30, so please join us then. Also, prepare your cracker/bread and juice if participating at home and join us in communion. We look forward to sharing worship with you whether in the sanctuary or from your home!

We remain on a mandatory mask status for in-person services. We appreciate your cooperation in this safety measure and helping to keep us all safe and healthy.


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

Company’s Coming

Message from Pastor Hull.....

It’s here… The first Sunday of Advent! What a time we are going to have as we usher in the Advent season. It will be a unique service, and includes a word from God “Company’s Coming“ Luke 21: 25-28 Invite and let’s share a wonderful time of praise and worship. Pastor Hull

Join us this Advent Sunday at 11:00 for our in-person worship with our Hanging of the Greens to kick off our Advent season. Everyone will get to participate and help in the decorating of our sanctuary! Pastor Hull will bring his message "Company's Coming" with scripture reference from Luke 21;25-28. We would love to see you all in the sanctuary that morning, but understand there are those who are still not comfortable in group meetings. Our Facebook live service will begin at approximately 11:25-11:30, so please join us then. We look forward to sharing worship with you whether in the sanctuary or from your home!

PS: Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Recognizing Royalty

Join us this Sunday for worship, where Pastor Hull will bring God’s message of“Recognizing Royalty”, with scripture reading from John 18:33-37.  

The message will be on Facebook Live at approximately 11:20, so hope you can join us. 

We remain on a mandatory mask status for in-person services.  We appreciate your cooperation in this safety measure and helping to keep us all safe and healthy.  We miss those of you who haven’t returned to the sanctuary and hope to see you very soon.  We always look forward to sharing this worship time with you whether in the pew or at home!  Be safe and have a BLESSED day! 


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

Joy in Giving

Message from Pastor Hull……..

Greetings Hollydale,

First, let me thank you all from the bottom of my heart for making your pastor feel special on last Sunday. You are a joy to lead in worship.  Let’s gather for communion this Sunday and share a word “Joy In Giving”  Mark 12: 41-44     Continued Blessings, Pastor Hull

Join us this Sunday for worship and communion, where Pastor Hull will bring God’s message of “Joy in Giving”, with scripture reading from Mark 12:41-44.  If you are

unable to meet in person with us to share in communion, please take a minute to stop by the church and pick up some communion elements or plan to have your own cracker/bread and juice ready on Sunday morning.  The message will be on Facebook Live at approximately 11:20, so hope you can join us. 

Due to the uptick in Covid cases, we will be on a mandatory mask status for in-person services.  We appreciate your cooperation in this safety measure and helping to keep us all safe and healthy.  We miss those of you who haven’t returned to the sanctuary and hope to see you very soon.  We always look forward to sharing this worship time with you whether in the pew or at home!  Be safe and have a BLESSED day! 


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

Are You Ready?

Message from Pastor Hull…….


Greetings saints,

Let’s gather this Sunday morning for a “Pink- Out.”  Wear pink in honor of not only breast cancer awareness, but all cancers.  We will share a word from Mark 13: 32-37, “Are You Ready?”

Be Blessed   

Pastor Hull 

Join us this Sunday, October 31st, for worship and wear PINK in honor of October being “Breast Cancer Awareness Month.”  Not only breast cancer, but all cancers!

Our in-person service will be at 11:00 or through our Facebook Live stream at approximately 11:20+, God's message through Pastor Hull will be "Are You Ready?" and scripture reading from Mark 13:32-37.  

Please note that due to the ongoing Covid numbers, we have returned to our protocol of wearing a mask during worship service and keeping social distance between each other for the protection of everyone.  We miss those of you who haven’t returned to the sanctuary and look forward to seeing you very soon.  We always enjoy and are blessed to share this worship time with you whether in the pew or at home!  Be safe and have a BLESSED day! 


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

Your Talent is Stewardship

Greetings saints of HUMC, I pray all is well during this busy month. I look forward to our time on Sunday morning, October 17th, at 11:00 as it reminds me of my purpose. There will be another message on stewardship “Your Talent Is Stewardship“

Scripture from Matthew 25: 14-18

Blessings, Pastor Hull.

Join us for in person worship at 11:00 and Facebook Live at 11:20. Look forward to sharing worship with you!

Let’s Talk Stewardship

Greetings saints of Hollydale, I eagerly wait on our celebration of Holy Communion. In addition, we will be starting our series on Stewardship.  Let’s prepare our hearts and minds to be open to God’s plan for us and HUMC.   Sermon message will be “Let’s Talk Stewardship” with scripture from Mark 10:17-23.       Blessings, Pastor Hull

 This Sunday will be Communion Sunday, so if you are unable to meet in person with us to share in communion, please take a minute to stop by the church and pick up some communion elements as Pastor will be available 9am-12pm Tuesday-Thursday, or plan to have your own cracker/bread and juice ready on Sunday morning.  Due to the uptick in Covid cases, we will be on a mandatory mask status for in-person services.  We appreciate your cooperation in this safety measure and helping to keep us all safe and healthy.  

We miss those of you who haven’t returned to the sanctuary and look forward to seeing you very soon.  We always look forward to sharing this worship time with you whether in the pew or at home!  Be safe and have a BLESSED day!


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

Wise Living

Message from Pastor Hull……….

Greetings saints.  What a wonderful worship on last Sunday (mic challenges and all ).  Let us gather for another opportunity to praise God. There is a word from God “ WISE LIVING”   

James 3:13-18    Blessings Pastor Hull

Join us this Sunday, September 19th, for worship at 11:00 in-person or through our Facebook Live stream at approximately 11:20,  God's message through Pastor Hull will be "Wise Living" and scripture reading from James 3:13-18.  

Please note that due to the rising Covid19 numbers, we have returned to our protocol of wearing a mask during worship service and keeping social distance between each other for the protection of everyone.  We miss those of you who haven’t returned to the sanctuary and look forward to seeing you very soon.  We always enjoy and are blessed to share this worship time with you whether in the pew or at home!  Be safe and have a BLESSED day!


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

Who is He to You?

Join us this Sunday, September 12th, for worship at 11:00 in-person or through our Facebook Live stream at approximately 11:20, God's message through Pastor Hull will be "Who is He to You" and scripture reading from Mark 8:27-30.

I’m Please note that due to the rising Covid19 numbers, we have returned to our protocol of wearing a mask during worship service and keeping social distance between each other for the protection of everyone.  We miss those of you who haven’t returned to the sanctuary and look forward to seeing you very soon.  We always enjoy and are blessed to share this worship time with you whether in the pew or at home!  Be safe and have a BLESSED day!


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

Faith Without Works

Message from Pastor Hull for Sunday, September 5th, worship time…….

Greetings saints, Let us prepare to celebrate Holy Communion this week. Continue to invite all to worship; however masking is no longer optional, but required for safety reasons. The message this week is from the book of James 2: 14-19, “Faith Without Works” Continue to be blessed. Pastor Hull

Join us this Sunday for worship at 11:00 in-person or through our Facebook Live stream at approximately 11:20, God's message through Pastor Hull will be "Faith Without Works" and scripture reading from James 2:14-19.

This Sunday will be Communion Sunday, so if you are unable to meet in person with us to share in communion, please take a minute to stop by the church and pick up some communion elements as Pastor will be available 9am-12pm Wednesday & Thursday, or plan to have your own cracker/bread and juice ready on Sunday morning. As Pastor Terrence mentioned, due to the uptick in Covid cases, we will be on a mandatory mask status for in-person services. We appreciate your cooperation in this safety measure and helping to keep us all safe and healthy.

We miss those of you who haven’t returned to the sanctuary and look forward to seeing you very soon. We always look forward to sharing this worship time with you whether in the pew or at home! Be safe and have a BLESSED day!


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

What’s Your Output?

Message about our worship service for Sunday, August 29th from Pastor Hull……

Greetings saints. Absence does make the heart grow fonder. I was able to share worship with you from a distance on last week and I’m happy to be back to worship on this Sunday. There is a word from Mark 7: 1-8, 14-15 “What’s Your Output.” In addition this will be our church charge conference Sun as we gather for a brief time to outline our plans for district charge conference on October 10th. Blessings, Pastor Hull

Join us this Sunday for worship at 11:00 in-person or through our Facebook Live stream at approximately 11:20, God's message through Pastor Hull will be "What’s Your Output" and scripture reading from Mark 7:108, 14-15.

Immediately following our worship service, we will have a short church charge conference for a brief time to discuss plans for our District Charge Conference on October 10th. All are asked to attend.

We miss those of you who haven’t returned to the sanctuary and look forward to seeing you very soon. We always look forward to sharing this worship time with you whether in the pew or at home! Be safe and have a BLESSED day!


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #