Virtual Service this Sunday

In light of recent information regarding a Hollydale member testing positive for COVID, it is in the best health interest of Hollydale and its members that worship be virtual this next Sunday, December 19th.  

We want to make all aware (vaccinated and especially unvaccinated) that anyone in attendance this past Sunday should review the CDC recommended procedures for possible exposure and quarantine.   The individual attended both Sunday school and worship service, but wore a mask during the worship service as required.  The church was sanitized after our service as it is every Sunday.  We are of course being respectful of confidentiality.  Below please find a link to the CDC website with guidelines relating to any exposure situation and what you should do to protect yourself and others.  Please take any and all necessary precautions you feel necessary to protect yourself and loved ones.  Keep in prayer those that have health issues and are susceptible to the virus.  Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.