Message from Pastor Hull…….
Greetings saints of HUMC. I am excited as we prepare to gather again and celebrate Holy Communion. There is also a word “A Jesus State of Mind” Mark 3:20-30 Let us prepare our hearts and minds to celebrate our risen savior through worship. Blessings, Pastor Hull
Join Hollydale UMC in person this Communion Sunday, June 6th at 11:00 am. We look forward to sharing worship and communion together, still wearing our mask where needed and maintaining social distance. Pastor Hull will share his message “A Jesus State of Mind” with scripture reading from Mark3:20-30. If you will be joining us on Facebook Live, the sermon will start at approximately 11:20 am. Below is the link to our Hollydale UMC Facebook page. Please plan to share in communion with us and have your cracker/bread and juice ready.
We look forward to sharing this worship and communion time with you whether in the pew or at home! Have a BLESSED week!
In addition, an invitation is extended for those interested in GROW Camp (1st – 6th graders) to register, being held at Hollydale UMC, June 7-11. Details and registration info is provided below. There are 5 openings left!
GROW Day Camp is back at Hollydale UMC! GROW is a day camp for rising 1st– 6th graders packed with activities that contribute to learning new skills and building Christian community, allowing each participant to grow deeper roots in their faith. GROW Camp is hosted at Hollydale UMC in partnership with Powder Springs First UMC, June 7-11th from 9:00-5:30 (Mon-Thurs) and 9:00-12:30 (Fri). Below is a link to the ministry page for GROW that will provide you with information about the camp programs. Also attached is a flyer related to our GROW Day Camp with contact and registration information. Register your children or grandchildren today!
Church Address:
2364 Powder Springs Road
Marietta, GA 30064
(770) 943-2273 office
(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #