God’s Word Unchained

Join us this Sunday for worship at 11:00 in-person and approximately 11:20 on Facebook Live. God's message through Pastor Hull will be"God’s Word Unchained" and scripture reading from 2 Timothy 2:8-15.  

We miss those of you who haven’t returned to the sanctuary and look forward to seeing you very soon.  Fred is out of town this weekend, so we have guest musician Tammy Harper leading us in music.  We always look forward to sharing this worship time with you whether in the pew or at home! Have a BLESSED day!


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #


Life-Giving Bread

Join us this Communion Sunday for worship at 11:00 in-person and approximately 11:20 on Facebook Live. God's message through Pastor Hull will be "Life-Giving Bread" and scripture reading from John 6.25-35. 

We miss those of you who haven’t returned to the sanctuary and look forward to seeing you very soon.  We always look forward to sharing this worship time with you whether in the pew or at home! Have a BLESSED week!


Position Yourself

Join us this Sunday at 11:00 for our in-person worship service and at 11:20 on Facebook Live for Pastor Hull's message of the week "Position Yourself" with scripture from Mark 6:30-40. Below is the link to our Hollydale UMC Facebook page.

We miss those of you who haven’t returned to the sanctuary and look forward to seeing you very soon. We always look forward to sharing this worship time with you whether in the pew or at home! Have a BLESSED week!


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

Just a Touch

Message from Pastor Hull......

Greetings to all things Hollydale, I hope you look forward to Sundays as much as I do. We will celebrate the last Sunday in June with a word from Mark 5: 21, 25-34, “Just a Touch”. Be Blessed!

Join us this Sunday at 11:00 for our in-person worship service and at 11:20 on Facebook Live for Pastor Hull's message of the week "Just a Touch" with scripture from Mark 5:21, 24-34.

We miss those of you who haven’t returned to the sanctuary and look forward to seeing you very soon and always enjoy sharing this worship time with you whether in the pew or at home! Have a BLESSED week!


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

Special Message and Support

Correction on the scholarship website.  It should be https://hornraiser.utexas.edu/roachscholarship  I originally add WWW and that is not correct.  My apologies. 

Sharing some special news and information relating to Stacy Hull’s brother, Kevin Roach, who recently passed away.  What an honorable man!

Captain Kevin Kelly Roach Memorial Scholarship

 The University of Texas at Austin created a permanent scholarship for Stacy’s brother Kevin. The family and friends are raising $100,000 in Kevin’s name, starting today, just 100 hundred days after he passed. It sounds big, but we already have $50,000 committed, and I know including everyone who knew Kevin can push this the rest of the way! 

We established this scholarship because the world needs more people like Kevin out there making engineering jobs a bit more fun while showing the world what brilliance looks like. The Captain Kevin K. Roach Memorial Scholarship will provide scholarship support to students within UT Austin’s Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering, with preference given to students who are members of the National Society of Black Engineers.

Please join us in celebrating Kevin atwww.hornraiser.utexas.edu/roachscholarshipor if you prefer a recurring gift over time, athttps://giving.utexas.edu/ by inputting “Kevin Roach Scholarship” there! If your gift is a one-time donation or a recurring gift -THANK YOU for joining us in this tribute to the smartest, funniest, happiest man we all knew and love.

Thank you for your support.


Faith in the Father

Greetings followers of HUMC!  Join us as we celebrate Father’s Day. There will be high praise and worship, and yes even a message “Faith in the Father“ Mark 4: 35-41  Be Blessed.

Join us this Father’s Day Sunday at 11:00 for our in-person worship service and at 11:20 on Facebook Live for Pastor Hull's message of the week "Faith in the Father" Below is the link to our Hollydale UMC Facebook page.

We look forward to sharing this worship time with you whether in the pew or at home! Have a BLESSED week!


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #


A Jesus State of Mind

Message from Pastor Hull…….

Greetings saints of HUMC.  I am excited as we prepare to gather again and celebrate Holy Communion. There is also a word “A Jesus State of Mind”  Mark 3:20-30    Let us prepare our hearts and minds to celebrate our risen savior through worship.      Blessings, Pastor Hull

Join Hollydale UMC in person this Communion Sunday, June 6th at 11:00 am.  We look forward to sharing worship and communion together, still wearing our mask where needed and maintaining social distance.  Pastor Hull will share his message “A Jesus State of Mind” with scripture reading from Mark3:20-30.  If you will be joining us on Facebook Live, the sermon will start at approximately 11:20 am.  Below is the link to our Hollydale UMC Facebook page.  Please plan to share in communion with us and have your cracker/bread and juice ready. 

We look forward to sharing this worship and communion time with you whether in the pew or at home!  Have a BLESSED week! 


In addition, an invitation is extended for those interested in GROW Camp (1st – 6th graders) to register, being held at Hollydale UMC, June 7-11.  Details and registration info is provided below.  There are 5 openings left!  

GROW Day Camp is back at Hollydale UMC!  GROW is a day camp for rising 1st– 6th graders packed with activities that contribute to learning new skills and building Christian community, allowing each participant to grow deeper roots in their faith.  GROW Camp is hosted at Hollydale UMC in partnership with Powder Springs First UMC, June 7-11th from 9:00-5:30 (Mon-Thurs) and 9:00-12:30 (Fri).  Below is a link to the ministry page for GROW that will provide you with information about the camp programs.  Also attached is a flyer related to our GROW Day Camp with contact and registration information. Register your children or grandchildren today! 


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA  30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #


Simplified Faith

Message from Pastor Hull…..

Greetings saints, Let us endeavor to gather this Sunday and share the wonders of the Holy Spirit. We will use John 3: 1-8 as a reference. “ Simplified Faith”    

Be Blessed,  Pastor Hull

Join Hollydale UMC in person this Trinity Sunday, May 30th at 11:00 am.  It’s Trinity Sunday!  Trinity Sunday celebrates the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, the three Persons of God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  We look forward to sharing worship together, still wearing our mask and maintaining social distance.  Pastor Hull will share his message “Simplified Faith” with scripture reading from John 3:1-8.  If you will be joining us on Facebook Live, the sermon will start at approximately 11:20 am.  Below is the link to our Hollydale UMC Facebook page. 

We look forward to sharing this worship time with you whether in the pew or at home!  Have a BLESSED week!


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA  30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #


Bible Study Returns

Hollydale’s Wednesday morning Bible study class is returning!  All you retirees and those available during the morning time make plans to participate starting Wednesday, May 26th, at 10:00 am.  It will be a one-hour class, meeting in the fellowship hall with Pastor Hull and the first study will be on John 3:1-11.  Mask will be optional as many are already vaccinated and social distance will be followed so all are comfortable.  Have a Blessed day!

He’s Got You

Message from Pastor Hull…….

Greetings saints of HUMC! Pentecost is upon us, so let us commence with the wearing of red. We will share a word from John 15:26-27; 16: 12-15 with the emphasis on “He’s Got You.“ Let us celebrate that blessed occasion. Pastor Hull

Join Hollydale UMC in person this Pentecost Sunday, May 23rd at 11:00 am. Wear something RED to share in the celebration of Pentecost Sunday! We look forward to sharing worship together, still wearing our mask and maintaining social distance. Pastor Hull will share his message “He’s Got You” with scripture reading from John 15:26-27 and 16:12-15. If you will be joining us on Facebook Live, the sermon will start at approximately 11:20 am. Below is the link to our Hollydale UMC Facebook page.

We look forward to sharing this worship time with you whether in the pew or at home! Have a BLESSED week!


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

In Jesus’ Name

Message from Pastor Hull…..

Greetings saints, I enjoyed sharing in the Mother’s Day worship with you (even from afar). I thank God for brother David who allowed himself to be used in delivering the message. I hope that we may continue in that same spirit this week as we share “IN JESUS’ NAME. “ We will use John 17 : 6-15 as supportive scripture. Be blessed until we meet again. Pastor Hull

Join Hollydale UMC in person this Sunday, May 16th at 11:00 am. We look forward to sharing worship together, still wearing our mask and maintaining social distance. Pastor Hull will share his message “In Jesus Name” with scripture reading from John 17:6-15. If you will be joining us on Facebook Live, the sermon will start at approximately 11:20 am. Below is the link to our Hollydale UMC Facebook page.

We look forward to sharing this worship time with you whether in the pew or at home! Have a BLESSED week!


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

Commanded to Love

Join us this Sunday, May 9th, for our worship service at 11:00 am. Our Pastor Emeritus, David Wilson, will be sharing his message "COMMANDED--to LOVE! Scripture reading from John 15:9-17.

Pastor Hull will be spending some time with his mother, but will join Hollydale during their live stream here on Facebook at approximately 11:20 am.

Hope to see you at church!

Stay Connected

Message from Pastor Hull……..

Greetings saints of HUMC!

I’m excited about yet another opportunity to gather in person. We will share a word from John 15:1-8, “Stay Connected “ For those who cannot gather, please join us on Facebook. I will be available to share communion elements for p/u on Wed-Thurs from 8:30 am–1 pm Be Blessed Pastor Hull

Join Hollydale UMC in person this 5th Sunday of the Easter season, May 2nd at 11:00 am. We look forward to sharing worship together, still wearing our mask and maintaining social distance. Pastor Hull will share his message “Stay Connected” with scripture reading from John 15:1-8. If you will be joining us on Facebook Live, the sermon will start at approximately 11:20 am. Below is the link to our Hollydale UMC Facebook page. It will also be Communion Sunday, so for those viewing virtually, please stop by the church either Wednesday or Thursday between 8:30-1:00, say hello to the pastor and pick up your communion elements, or have some break / cracker and juice available at home so you can participate in this sacrament.

We look forward to sharing this worship time with you whether in the pew or at home! Have a BLESSED week!


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor cell

Not Your Average Shepherd

Message from Pastor Hull.......

Greetings Saints, We are slowly but surely transitioning to what used to be normal worship. We thank God for allowing his people to gather again. Nothing he does is average; so with that being said, Let us gather this Sunday for a word “ Not Your Average Shepherd “ John 10: 11-18 Continue to be Blessed
Pastor Hull

Join Hollydale UMC in person this 4th Sunday of the Easter season, April 25th at 11:00 am. We look forward to sharing worship together again, still wearing our mask and maintaining social distance. Pastor Hull will share his message “Not Your Average Shepherd” with scripture reading from John 10:11-18. If you will be joining us on Facebook Live, the sermon will start at approximately 11:20 am. Below is the link to our Hollydale UMC Facebook page. We look forward to sharing this worship time with you whether in the pew or at home!


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

Free Your Mind

Message from Pastor Hull…..

Greetings saints! Let us prepare our hearts and minds for another Sunday of gathering and worship!

Join Hollydale UMC in person this 3rd Sunday of the Easter season, April 18th at 11:00 am. We’ve enjoyed being able to be back and meet in person and sharing worship together again, still wearing our mask and maintaining social distance. Pastor Hull will share his message “Free Your Mind” with scripture reading from Luke 24:36-45. If you will be joining us on Facebook Live, the sermon will start at approximately 11:20 am. Below is the link to our Hollydale UMC Facebook page. We look forward to sharing this worship time with you whether in the pew or at home!


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

In Person Worship for Easter!

Good morning,

Hallelujah! We will be worshiping in-person this Easter Sunday! It will also be Communion Sunday. The Easter message from Pastor Hull will be "Escaped Prisoner" with scripture from John 20:1-10. Pastor Hull wants everyone to know that if you not be able to come to worship on Sunday, communion elements are available for pick up Tuesday-Friday, 8:30-1:00 pm at the church. Stop by and say hello and pick yours up! If you are unable to attend and prefer to watch the message via Facebook live, the sermon will be presented at approximately 11:20, so tune it at that time. The Facebook link is below.


As part of this Holy Week, Good Friday is a day of remembrance and meditation. Hollydale's sanctuary will be open between 8:30 am - 1:00 pm for those who wish to stop by and spend some quiet time reflecting on this holy week and remembering the sacrifice our savior made for each of us. Mask are highly recommended and social distancing will be practiced. Thank you

God’s Terms


Greetings saints of HUMC. As we continue to press forward, I am pleased to announce that our plan is still to have Easter worship. The details are pending; however, we will be together. As for this Sun (Palm Sun), there is a word “God’s Terms“ Mark 11: 1-11 Continued Blessings, Pastor Hull

Hollydale UMC will continue with our online services this Sunday, March 28th, Palm Sunday. This day starts Holy Week ending Easter Sunday on April 4th! Pastor Hull will share on our Facebook Live his message “God’s Terms” with scripture reading from Mark 11:1-11. Please join us at 11:00 am Sunday morning! Below is the link to our Hollydale UMC Facebook page. If you do not use this form of social media, you can watch the message, which is posted shortly after the live stream on our webpage at www.hollydaleumc.org, We look forward to sharing this special time with you! Prayers are with you all to stay safe and healthy!

SPEAKING OF EASTER…. We hope to see you Easter morning at Hollydale! Can't wait to see your faces and praise & worship together in person!


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #