I’m Not Finished



Greetings saints,

Words cannot express how much Stacy and I appreciate all the cards, letters and prayers for our family.  We have celebrated life in a myriad of ways this week. We will continue this celebration as we share God’s word “I’m not Finished“   John 12: 20-33   Be Blessed, Pastor Hull


Hollydale UMC will continue with our online services this Sunday, March 21st, the 5th Sunday of Lent.  Just a few more days to Holy Week and Easter Sunday!  Pastor Hull will share on our Facebook Live his message “I’m Not Finished” with scripture reading from John 12:20-33.  Please join us at 11:00 am Sunday morning!  Below is the link to our Hollydale UMC Facebook page.  If you do not use this form of social media, you can watch the message, which is posted shortly after the live stream on our webpage at www.hollydaleumc.org, We look forward to sharing this special time with you!  Prayers are with you all to stay safe and healthy!


SPEAKING OF EASTER…. It is our plan to get back to in-person worship on Easter morning, so please stay tune as we share plans and putting safety features in place so all can worship this very special day in the life of Christians!




Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA  30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

Late Nite Conversations

Message from Pastor Hull…….

Greetings saints of HUMC.  It has been a trying week for the Hull family, but we are living in trying times. What I am certain of is that God is faithful and just to those who love him. Stay connected to Christ… He will never fail you!  There is a word for this 1st Sun of daylight savings “Late Nite Conversations“    John 3: 14-21   Be Blessed   Pastor Hull

Hollydale UMC will continue with our online services this Sunday, March 14th, the 4th Sunday of Lent and first day of Daylight Saving Time.  Pastor Hull will share on our Facebook Live his message “Late Nite Conversations” with scripture reading from John 3:14-21.  Please join us at 11:00 am Sunday morning!  Below is the link to our Hollydale UMC Facebook page.  If you do not use this form of social media, you can watch the message, which is posted shortly after the live stream on our webpage at www.hollydaleumc.org, We look forward to sharing this special time with you!  Prayers are with you all to stay safe and healthy!


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA  30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

Endangered Worship

Message from Pastor Hull for next Sunday's service...........

Greetings saints, As we continue on this Lenten journey, let us be encouraged that God has a plan for his people. We will be celebrating Holy Communion this Sunday and I will be available Tuesday - Thursday, 8:30-1:00 for those who desire to p/u communion elements. There is a word this week “Endangered Worship" John 2:13-22

Be Blessed!

Hollydale UMC will continue with our online services this Sunday, March 7th. the 3rd Sunday of Lent. Pastor Hull will share on our Facebook Live his message “Endangered Worship” with scripture reading from John 2:13-22. Please join us at 11:00 am Sunday morning! Below is the link to our Hollydale UMC Facebook page. If you do not use this form of social media, you can watch the message, which is posted shortly after the live stream on our webpage at www.hollydaleumc.org, We look forward to sharing this special time with you! Prayers are with you all to stay safe and healthy!

As Pastor Hull noted in his message, this Sunday is also Communion Sunday and he will be available at the church from 8:30-1:00 Tuesday-Thursday for those who wish to stop by and pick up communion elements to share int hat special time Sunday morning.


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

Endangered Worship

Message from Pastor Hull for next Sunday's service...........

Greetings saints, As we continue on this Lenten journey, let us be encouraged that God has a plan for his people. We will be celebrating Holy Communion this Sunday and I will be available Tuesday - Thursday, 8:30-1:00 for those who desire to p/u communion elements. There is a word this week “Endangered Worship" John 2:13-22

Be Blessed!

Hollydale UMC will continue with our online services this Sunday, March 7th. the 3rd Sunday of Lent. Pastor Hull will share on our Facebook Live his message “Endangered Worship” with scripture reading from John 2:13-22. Please join us at 11:00 am Sunday morning! Below is the link to our Hollydale UMC Facebook page. If you do not use this form of social media, you can watch the message, which is posted shortly after the live stream on our webpage at www.hollydaleumc.org, We look forward to sharing this special time with you! Prayers are with you all to stay safe and healthy!

As Pastor Hull noted in his message, this Sunday is also Communion Sunday and he will be available at the church from 8:30-1:00 Tuesday-Thursday for those who wish to stop by and pick up communion elements to share int hat special time Sunday morning.


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

Susan Davis

Real Followers


Greetings saints of HUMC, It has been wonderful experiencing sun and spring like weather this week. I am convinced that as surely as the sun was present this week, the son is close to showing us the breakthrough we have prayed for. I encourage you all to exercise a little more patience as we are nearing our re gathering. There is a word for the week. “REAL FOLLOWERS“ - Mark 2 : 13-22

Be Blessed, Pastor Hull

Hollydale UMC will continue with our online services this Sunday, February 26th. the 2nd Sunday of Lent. Pastor Hull will share on our Facebook Live his message “Real Followers” with scripture reading from Mark 2:13-22. Please join us at 11:00 am Sunday morning! Below is the link to our Hollydale UMC Facebook page. We post this weekly message, prayers & praises, reminders and other public service information that may be helpful to you and your family, so join the group so you receive notifications when there are updates or new info. If you do not use this form of social media, you can watch the message, which is posted shortly after the live stream on our webpage at www.hollydaleumc.org, We look forward to sharing this special time with you! Prayers are with you all to stay safe and healthy!


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

More than the Physical


Greetings saints of HUMC, It is here, the first Sunday of Lent. As we embark upon this Lenten journey, let’s remember to focus on fasting, praying , and repenting. This guarantees us another reason to celebrate Easter Sundau when we conclude the journey. We will start this week with a message from the Master “More than the Physical“ Mark 2: 1-12

Continued Blessings Pastor Hull

Hollydale UMC will continue with our online services this Sunday, February 21st. the first Sunday of Lent. Pastor Hull will share on our Facebook Live his message “More than the Physical” with scripture reading from Mark 2:1-12. Please join us at 11:00 am Sunday morning! Below is the link to our Hollydale Family Facebook page. We post this weekly message, prayers & praises, reminders and other public service information that may be helpful to you and your family, so join the group so you receive notifications when there are updates or new info. If you do not use this form of social media, you can watch the message, which is posted shortly after the live stream on our webpage at www.hollydaleumc.org, We look forward to sharing this special time with you! Prayers are with you all to stay safe and healthy!


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

Ash Wednesday Service

Good morning saints of HUMC,

After much prayer and consideration, my spirit says that God’s people need to be encouraged as we enter the Lenten season and have determined to do an abbreviated service to prepare us for the journey of Lent. I understand and fully support personal decisions of you all during these trying times. We will endeavor to gather at 6:30 on Wednesday evening. 

Pastor Hull     

We will practice safe social distancing, wearing masks and the church has been sanitized for this week.  We hope to see you even if for a short few minutes!

Make me Clean


Greetings all,  As we approach Ash Wednesday, I am in fervent prayer about how we can honor this day. I do want to encourage you with a word for this Sunday “Make Me Clean“   Mark 1 : 40-45   

Stay Encouraged      Pastor Hull

Hollydale UMC will continue with our online services this Sunday, February 14th. Valentine’s Day!  Pastor Hull will share on Facebook Live his message “Make Me Clean” with scripture reading from Mark 1:40-45.  Please join us at 11:00 am on Facebook Live!  Below is the link to our Hollydale Family Facebook page. We post this weekly message, prayers & praises, reminders and other public service information that may be helpful to you and your family, so join the group.  If you do not use this form of social media, you can watch the message, which is posted shortly after the live stream on our webpage at www.hollydaleumc.org, We look forward to sharing this special time with you!  Prayers are with you all to stay safe and healthy!


Reminder…your 2020 Giving Statements are at the church on the counter in the narthex.  If you need your giving statement mailed to you, please let Susan Davis or Sheila Wier know and we will drop it in the mail or we can email it to you if you prefer.  Thank you to all who supported Hollydale in 2020 with your tithes and offerings.  We hope to continue having your great support in 2021!   

Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA  30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

Childress Klein Services

300 Galleria Parkway, SE, Suite 200 / Atlanta, GA 30339

o: 770.859.1200
CK.Services@childressklein.com / childressklein.com

He’s a Healer

Message from Pastor Hull……

Greetings saints,

Wow, Ash Wednesday is right around the corner already. I am trusting God’s plan for us to see each other sooner rather than later. As we exercise our patience, God will still be faithful with giving us a word, “He’s a Healer“ Mark 1: 29-39 I’m available 8:30- 1:30, Wed and Thurs for those who desire to p/u their communion elements and an Upper Room.

Continued Blessings , Pastor Hull

Hollydale UMC will continue with our online services this Sunday, February 8th. Pastor Hull will share on Facebook Live his message “He’s a Healer” with scripture reading from Mark 1:29-39. Please join us at 11:00 am on Facebook Live! Below is the link to our Hollydale Family Facebook page. We post this weekly message, prayers & praises, reminders and other public service information that may be helpful to you and your family. If you do not use this form of social media, you can watch the message, which is posted shortly after the live stream on our webpage at www.hollydaleumc.org, We look forward to sharing this special time with you! Prayers are with you all to stay safe and healthy!


This Sunday is also Communion Sunday, so please stop by the church between 8:30-1:30 to pick up your communion elements and an Upper Room devotional, or be prepared with your own bread/cracker and juice to share in this sacrament. While you are stopping by, pick up your 2020 Giving/Tithe Statement, which are available at the church on the narthex table as you enter the sanctuary. Pastor Hull has indicated he will be at the church Wed & Thurs, from 8:30 am-1:30 pm so you can stop by and say hello, and pick up your elements and statement. If you need your giving statement mailed to you, please let Susan Davis or Sheila Wier know and we will drop it in the mail. Thank you to all who supported Hollydale in 2020 with your tithes and offerings. We hope to continue having your great support in 2021!

A Question of Authority

Message from Pastor Hull……

Greetings saints of HUMC,

I pray all is well as we close out January and for all intents and purposes, 2020. As we press toward the great things God has in store for us, Let us continue to worship him with our best. Join me for his message on Sunday “A Question of Authority“ Mark 1:21-28 Be Blessed, Pastor Hull

Hollydale UMC will continue with our online services this Sunday, January 31st, due to the continued rise in COVID cases in Georgia. Pastor Hull will share on Facebook Live his message “A Question of Authority” with scripture reading from Mark 1:21-28. Please join us at 11:00 am on Facebook Live! Below is the link to our Hollydale Family Facebook page. If you haven’t already joined the group page, please do. We post this weekly message, prayers & praises, reminders and other public service information that may be helpful to you and your family. If you do not use this form of social media, you can watch the message, which is posted shortly after the live stream on our webpage at www.hollydaleumc.org, We look forward to sharing this special time with you! Prayers are with you all to stay safe and healthy!


Also, the 2020 Giving/Tithe Statements are completed and available at the church on the narthex table as you enter the sanctuary. Pastor Hull is generally at the church Monday-Thursday, from 9am-12pm so you can stop by and say hello, and pick up your statement. If you need your giving statement mailed to you, please let Susan Davis or Sheila Wier know and we will mail it to you. Thank you to all who supported Hollydale in 2020 with your tithes and offerings. We hope to continue having your great support in 2021!

Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

Answering God’s Call

Message from Pastor Hull……

Greetings Saints,

As we transition into a new year (and yes a new Presidency),   let’s now turn our focus towards God’s plan, and our purpose.  Let us petition him for direction as we navigate this pandemic and move closer to assembling in his house again.  Join us for his message on Sunday  “Answering God’s Call “   Mark 1: 14-20   Blessings All    Pastor Hull

Hollydale UMC will continue with our online services this Sunday, January 24th, due to the continued rise in COVID cases in Georgia. Pastor Hull will share on Facebook Live his message “Answering God’s Call”with scripture reading from Mark 1:14-20.  Please join us at 11:00 am on Facebook Live!  Below is the link to our Hollydale Family Facebook page. If you haven’t already joined the group page, please do.  We post this weekly message, reminders and other public service information that may be helpful to you and your family.  If you do not use this form of social media, you can watch the message, which is posted shortly after the live stream on our webpage at www.hollydaleumc.org, We look forward to sharing this special time with you!  Prayers are with you all to stay safe and healthy!


Also, the 2020 Giving Statements are completed and available at the church on the narthex table as you enter the sanctuary.  Pastor Hull is generally at the church Monday-Thursday, from 9am-12pm so you can stop by and say hello and pick up your statement.  If you need your giving statement mailed to you, please let Susan Davis or Sheila Wier know and we will mail it to you.  Thank you to all who supported Hollydale in 2020 with your tithes and offerings.  We hope to continue having your great support in 2021!  


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA  30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #



Come and See

Message from Pastor Hull……

Greetings Saints of HUMC,

I pray that all are well and continuing to adjust as we move toward gathering again. I will be monitoring the regional outbreak data to determine that time. In the interim we will stream live again this week with the message “Come and See “ John 1 : 43-51 Be Blessed, Pastor Hull

Hollydale UMC will continue with our online services this Sunday morning, January 17th, due to the continued rise in COVID cases in Georgia. Pastor Hull will share on Facebook Live his message “Come and See” with scripture reading from John 1:43-51. Please join us at 11:00 am on Facebook Live! Below is the link to our Hollydale Family Facebook page. If you haven’t already joined the group page, please do. We post this weekly message, reminders and other public service information that may be helpful to you and your family. If you do not use this form of social media, you can watch the message, which is posted shortly after the live stream on our webpage at www.hollydaleumc.org, We look forward to sharing this special time with you! Prayers are with you all to stay safe and healthy!


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

Listening to the Right Voice


Greetings all,

Let’s all take a collective breath and thank God that the election is finally over (sorta, kinda). My prayer is that we will now be able to focus wholly on God and his plans for us in 2021. We will celebrate virtually with a word this Sunday “ Listening to the Right Voice” Mark 1:4-11

Be Blessed, Pastor Hull

Hollydale UMC will not have in-person services this Sunday morning, January 10th, due to the continued rise in COVID cases in the metro Atlanta area. We hope to return to in-person services within the next couple of weeks and we will let you know as we miss seeing you! Pastor Hull will share on Facebook Live his message “Listening to the Right Voice” with scripture reading from Mark 1:4-11. Please join us at 11:00 am on Facebook Live! Below is the link to our Hollydale Family Facebook page. If you do not use this form of social media, you can watch the message, which is posted shortly after the live stream on our webpage at www.hollydaleumc.org, We look forward to sharing this special time with you! Prayers are with you all to stay safe and healthy!


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

What are you searching for?

Message from Pastor Hull…….

Greetings saints of HUMC,

I miss our time spent in personal worship; however we pray that the spirit is felt wherever God’s people are. We will celebrate communion this Sunday as well as a word “What are You Searching For?” Scripture reading from Matthew 2:1-12. Let us endeavor this Saturday from 10:00 am -11:00 to make HUMC READY FOR 2021 by packing up Christmas and 2020

(approx. 5-7 people should do it) Blessings Pastor Hull

Hollydale UMC will not have in-person services this Sunday morning, January 3rd due to the continued rise in COVID cases in the metro Atlanta area. Pastor Hull will share on Facebook Live his message “What are You Searching For?” with scripture reading from Matthew 2:1-12. We hope you will join us at 11:00 am on Facebook Live! Below is the link to our Facebook page. If you do not use this form of social media, you can watch the message, which is posted shortly after the live stream on our webpage at www.holllydaleumc.org, We look forward to sharing that special time with you! Prayers are with you all to stay safe and healthy!

This next Sunday is also Communion Sunday, our first in 2021, which we will celebrate as well. If you need to pick up communion elements, please note that Pastor Hull will be at the church Wed & Thursday, from 8:30-12:00 each day and looks forward to seeing you and saying hello. If you can’t stop by, then please plan to have some crackers and juice available Sunday morning at your home to share in this sacrament.


As mentioned in the pastor’s message above, we would appreciate any volunteers to join us this Saturday morning from 10am-11am to make the church ready for 2021 by packing up our Christmas decorations and getting our sanctuary ready for all the new and mighty things God is going to do in the new year. We need about 5-7 people to get the job done, mask will be required and safe distancing will be practiced!

A GENTLE REMINDER… If you are considering a year-end donation to Hollydale, please note you can do that by mailing your check to the church or going to our website and clicking on GIVE and pay through our PayPal account. We are checking the mail several days a week, and process any monies received. We will have Year-End Giving Statements available before January 31, 2021. We appreciate your ongoing support and dedication during these difficult times!

Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

This Sunday and Christmas Eve

Hollydale UMC will not have in-person worship this Sunday, December 20th, but will have our virtual service on Facebook Live starting at 11:00 am.  Join us for Pastor Hull's message "Nothing is Impossible with God", scripture reading from Luke 1:26-38.  Below is the link to our Facebook page.  If you do not use Facebook, you can watch this message, which is posted shortly after the live stream on our webpage atwww.hollydaleumc.org  We look forward to sharing this special time with you!  Prayers are with you all to stay safe and healthy! 

We will be having a short, in-person, Christmas Eve service on Thursday at 6:30 pm.  Please join us to celebrate this Christmas season and the Christ Child.


Church address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta  GA 30064

770-943-2273 - Church office

678-591-0118 - Pastor Hull's cell#

Special Message

Message from Pastor Hull...

Greetings all, It is with much regret that I tender this decision. We at HUMC are a loving family. As a loving family we support and protect each other. With that being said, As your Pastor I have decided it is in the best interest of all for us not to gather in person this Sun and instead look forward to a Christmas eve celebration. Let us continue to pray for each other during this week. Pastor Hull

Paying the Price

This Sunday is the 3rd Sunday of Advent, the candle of JOY will be lit on the Advent wreath!    

Hollydale UMC will gather in-person this Sunday morning, December 13th at 11am for worship!  Pastor Hull will share the message “Paying the Price” with scripture reading from John 1:6-8, 19-23.  We hope you will join us!   

We pray you will consider coming to worship in person on Sunday, but we understand if you are uncomfortable in being with a group of people due to this pandemic. We try to take every precaution to make our sanctuary clean and safe.   You can continue viewing our Facebook Live of Pastor Hull’s sermon in the comfort and safety of your own home and that should begin at approximately 11:20 am, so you have an estimated time to tune in on Facebook.  Below is the link to our Facebook page.  If you do not use Facebook, you can watch the message, which is posted shortly after the live stream on our webpage at www.holllydaleumc.org,   We look forward to sharing that special time with you!  Prayers are with you all to stay safe and healthy!




Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA  30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #