Special Message and Support

Correction on the scholarship website.  It should be https://hornraiser.utexas.edu/roachscholarship  I originally add WWW and that is not correct.  My apologies. 

Sharing some special news and information relating to Stacy Hull’s brother, Kevin Roach, who recently passed away.  What an honorable man!

Captain Kevin Kelly Roach Memorial Scholarship

 The University of Texas at Austin created a permanent scholarship for Stacy’s brother Kevin. The family and friends are raising $100,000 in Kevin’s name, starting today, just 100 hundred days after he passed. It sounds big, but we already have $50,000 committed, and I know including everyone who knew Kevin can push this the rest of the way! 

We established this scholarship because the world needs more people like Kevin out there making engineering jobs a bit more fun while showing the world what brilliance looks like. The Captain Kevin K. Roach Memorial Scholarship will provide scholarship support to students within UT Austin’s Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering, with preference given to students who are members of the National Society of Black Engineers.

Please join us in celebrating Kevin atwww.hornraiser.utexas.edu/roachscholarshipor if you prefer a recurring gift over time, athttps://giving.utexas.edu/ by inputting “Kevin Roach Scholarship” there! If your gift is a one-time donation or a recurring gift -THANK YOU for joining us in this tribute to the smartest, funniest, happiest man we all knew and love.

Thank you for your support.