Free Your Mind
/Message from Pastor Hull…..
Greetings saints! Let us prepare our hearts and minds for another Sunday of gathering and worship!
Join Hollydale UMC in person this 3rd Sunday of the Easter season, April 18th at 11:00 am. We’ve enjoyed being able to be back and meet in person and sharing worship together again, still wearing our mask and maintaining social distance. Pastor Hull will share his message “Free Your Mind” with scripture reading from Luke 24:36-45. If you will be joining us on Facebook Live, the sermon will start at approximately 11:20 am. Below is the link to our Hollydale UMC Facebook page. We look forward to sharing this worship time with you whether in the pew or at home!
Church Address:
2364 Powder Springs Road
Marietta, GA 30064
(770) 943-2273 office
(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #