Are You Ready?

Message from Pastor Hull…….


Greetings saints,

Let’s gather this Sunday morning for a “Pink- Out.”  Wear pink in honor of not only breast cancer awareness, but all cancers.  We will share a word from Mark 13: 32-37, “Are You Ready?”

Be Blessed   

Pastor Hull 

Join us this Sunday, October 31st, for worship and wear PINK in honor of October being “Breast Cancer Awareness Month.”  Not only breast cancer, but all cancers!

Our in-person service will be at 11:00 or through our Facebook Live stream at approximately 11:20+, God's message through Pastor Hull will be "Are You Ready?" and scripture reading from Mark 13:32-37.  

Please note that due to the ongoing Covid numbers, we have returned to our protocol of wearing a mask during worship service and keeping social distance between each other for the protection of everyone.  We miss those of you who haven’t returned to the sanctuary and look forward to seeing you very soon.  We always enjoy and are blessed to share this worship time with you whether in the pew or at home!  Be safe and have a BLESSED day!

Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064

(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #