Have you seen Him?

We pray all had a good Easter and took time to worship, whether virtually online or taking some personal time for yourself or with family to reflect on what Easter represents to us as Christians. 

Hollydale will share our Sunday worship service live via our Facebook page this next Sunday, April 19th, and look forward to sharing that time with you.  Please join us at 11:00 am as Pastor Terrence brings us the message “Have You Seen Him? “  with scripture readings from  John 20:19-29.   Below is the link to our Facebook page.  If you do not use Facebook, you can watch the message from our webpage, which is posted shortly after the live stream atwww.holllydaleumc.org.  

Please continue to pray, spend some quiet time with God and listen to what he has to say to you each day.  Stay safe, follow the guidelines of the CDC and medical experts and soon we will be together again to worship!  

A gentle reminder…you can continue paying your offering by going to our website and clicking on Give and pay, or mail your donations to the church at the address below. We are checking the mail periodically and process any monies received.  Thank you for your continued support!

If you should need assistance from Pastor Hull, he is only a phone call away.  His contact information is below.  Thank you and stay safe out there!




Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA  30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

 Susan Davis

Easter Sunday Worship

It is Holy Week!  We pray you have been taking some quiet time to reflect on this week and the activities leading up to Easter.  Today is Maundy Thursday, which is also referred to as Holy Thursday and is observed during Holy Week on the Thursday before Easter. Maundy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and shared the Passover meal with them on the night before He was crucified.  Can you imagine what it was like to be in the Upper Room?  Take a minute to think about it….

Hollydale will share our Easter worship service live via our Facebook page this next Sunday and look forward to sharing that very special time with you.  Please join us at 11:00 am on Sunday as Pastor Terrence brings us the message “Escaped Prisoner “  with scripture readings from  John 20:1-10.   Below is the link to our Facebook page.  If you do not use Facebook, you can watch the message from our webpage which is posted shortly after the live stream atwww.holllydaleumc.org.  Please continue to pray, spend some quiet time with God, reflect on what Easter is all about.  Due to the “shelter in place” order for Georgia, we will not be able to have our annual Pancake Breakfast.  Stay safe, follow the guidelines of the CDC and medical experts and soon we will be together again to worship! 

A gentle reminder…you can continue paying your offering by going to our website and clicking on Give and pay, or mail your donations to the church at the address below. We are checking the mail periodically and process any monies received.  Thank you for your continued support!

If you should need assistance from Pastor Hull, he is only a phone call away.  His contact information is below.  Thank you and stay safe out there!


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA  30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

Susan Davis

Palm Sunday Service

Hollydale will continue with its live worship feed via our Facebook page this next Sunday, April 5thwhich is Palm Sunday!  We look forward to sharing that time with you all.  Please join us at 11:00 am as Pastor Terrence brings us the message “What’s He Worth to You “  with scripture readings from  Matthew 26:14-16, 20-25.   Below is the link to our Facebook page.  If you don’t use Facebook, you can watch the message on Hollydale’s websitewww.hollydaleumc.org just a little later following the live stream.  Thanks to Aubrey Spivey and Stacy Hull for their great technical abilities!,

In addition, Sunday is Communion Sunday and we will engage in a “virtual” communion with each other.  We are asking all who wish to join us to simply have their elements (wafer or cracker and juice) available as we transition.  

Any activities or details relating to Holy Week, which starts Sunday, will be provided in a separate email.

A gentle reminder…you can continue paying your offering by going to our website and clicking on Give and pay, or mail your donations to the church at the address below. We are checking the mail periodically and process any monies received.  Thank you for your continued support! 

If you should need assistance from Pastor Hull, he is only a phone call away.  His contact information is below.  Thank you and stay safe out there!


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA  30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

Sunday Worship - March 29th - LIVE on Facebook

Hollydale will continue with its live worship via our Facebook page this next Sunday and look forward to sharing that time with you all.  Please join us at 11:00 am on Sunday as Pastor Terrence brings us the message “A Voice You Can Be Sure Of “  with scripture readings from  John 11: 1-4, 38-44.   Below is the link to our Facebook page.  Keep up with the prayers, spend some quiet time with God, stay safe, follow the guidelines of the CDC and medical experts and soon we will meet together again to worship!  Easter is coming!  

A gentle reminder…you can continue paying your offering by going to our website and clicking on Give and pay, or mail your donations to the church at the address below. We are checking the mail periodically and process any monies received.  Thank you for your continued support!  

If you should need assistance from Pastor Hull, he is only a phone call away.  His contact information is below.  Thank you and stay safe out there!  


Church Address: 2364 Powder Springs Road - Marietta, GA  30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell # 

Special Mission Project

REMINDER.....We need items by this Sunday!  Thank you!

Hello, Hollydale Friends,

We are asking you to help us out by participating in a special Mission Project for the homeless.  Sharon McGregor learned about this project being done by the Cobb County Police Athletic Association for at-risk youth. We want to help them by collecting items for the homeless. 

Here are the specific items that we are collecting:

New socks, toothbrushes, toothpaste, nail clippers, first aid items, snacks with a long shelf life (Trail Mix, etc.)



Thank you for your help with this special outreach project to help those in need!

We appreciate you and your generosity and your care for others.

Blessings to you.

Carolyn Wilson

Special Mission Project

Hello, Hollydale Friends,

We are asking you to help us out by participating in a special Mission Project for the homeless.

Sharon McGregor learned about this project being done by the Cobb County Police Athletic Association for at-risk youth. We want to help them by collecting items for the homeless.

Here are the specific items that we are collecting:

New socks, toothbrushes, toothpaste, nail clippers, first aid items, snacks with a long shelf life (Trail Mix, etc.)



Thank you for your help with this special outreach project to help those in need!

We appreciate you and your generosity and your care for others.

Blessings to you.

Carolyn Wilson

Smoothie Sunday!

In addition to the smoothie demo on Sunday, we will be blessed to have someone teach proper use of the heart defibrillator!  They will be available following the smoothie demo, approximately 1:30 pm. Come share in this learning experience!

 Thank you to all who have worn their red to worship services the past two Sundays to support American Heart Health Month!  Keep it up through the rest of February and don’t forget next Sunday, Feb. 16th, there will be a Heart Health smoothie demo after worship!   For those who have not been able to be with us on the two previous Sundays, please find attached the inserts that have been shared relating to heart health. Take a few minutes to read and educate yourself.  Hope to see you next Sunday in your red!

February is Heart Health Month

For the month of February, Hollydale’s family is encouraged to wear red to each worship service

starting this next Sunday, 2/2 to support AMERICAN HEART HEALTH MONTH!

 Remember to schedule your annual wellness visit!

Medicaid & Medicare covers 100%, as well as most insurance carriers (some restrictions apply)

Calendar note….Join us on February 16th for a heart health smoothie demo after worship! 

Stay tune for other special health events coming soon to support your wellness! 

Special Music Worship Service

Mark your calendar and join us on Sunday, February 2nd for a special worship service at Hollydale!  Joining us will be Atlanta gospel recording group “Chosen” to lead us in music that morning.  Invite family and friends to come and worship with your Hollydale family!  Hope to see you there! 

A link is below to their website should you want to learn a little more about them.  Have a BLESSED day!


Advent Season is Coming

The Advent season begins on Sunday, December 1st!  The anticipation of the Christ Child!  To start the season at Hollydale, we will be doing the “Hanging of the Greens” which is decorating our sanctuary for the season.  Please join us early, about 9:45-10:00 (during the Sunday school hour) to help put up our tree and decorate the church.  Come enjoy some fellowship time before our worship service at 11:00

Meet our new officers for 2020

Please join us this Sunday, November 24th as we have a special time during our worship service for a formal installation of our new 2020 leaders for Hollydale.  We have a great group of leaders and want to recognize their willingness to serve God and Hollydale with their gifts, talents, time and service.  We look forward to a new year of ministry and know God has great things planned for Hollydale.  Have a BLESSED day!

Susan Davis

Beth Wier to speak to UMW

Hello, Friends,


We are having special guest speakers at our Hollydale UMW meeting on Tuesday, November 12, at 6:00 at the church! We are very happy that Beth Wier, daughter of Dan and Sheila Wier, along with her friend and fellow missionary to the Phillipines Crystal Harden will be at our meeting.

We are looking forward to hearing from Beth and Crystal about their missionary work in the Phillipines. I am sure they have some wonderful information and stories to share with all of us.

We will be collecting a special love offering for Beth and Crystal in support of their missionary work.

Please put this date on your calendar, and make plans to attend!

Please bring a snack to share if possible.

Thank you so much for your support.

Blessings to you.

Carolyn Wilson