Update on Prayer Request

Below is an update on Joyce Ashworth’s condition from Reverend David Wilson.  Please continue to keep Joyce and her family in your prayers.  Thank you.


Susan Davis


Sent: Monday, July 15, 2019 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: Prayer Request



Thanks for taking care of this info.  Just a little correction:  My son, David (Dave) is deceased, my living sons are: Dale and Dwight.  Here's an update on Joyce.  They anticipate doing an MRI later today to determine any next steps.  The situation does not look good for her since she stopped breathing for several minutes.  If there are any changes, I'll let you know.


Potluck Sunday, May 19, after church

Hollydale UMC will come together after church service this Sunday for a covered dish, potluck lunch! The theme is “picnic” so bring something that you might take to a picnic and join us for some good food and fellowship! Think…. fried chicken, potato salad, coleslaw, baked beans, rolls, sandwiches, veggies, fruit, desserts, lemonade, ice tea, etc. etc. etc. Everybody bring a little something and we’ll have plenty! Hope to see you Sunday!

Summer Camps at Hollydale

School is out for summer on May 22nd.

!  Can you believe it?  Need something for the kids to do?  Hollydale UMC has some great summer camp programs available you might want to consider.  Flyers are attached with information about times, cost, etc. and you can go to their website for more details.

The Music on Wheels Academy” Performing Arts Campwill be held for two weeks in June.  This is a summer camp of learning theater, dance, voice, piano and drums.  Additional information is available on their website –www.musiconwheelsga.com

The GROW Day Camp – Get out & Grow this Summer! Will be held the last week of June.  This camp is done through the North Georgia Camp & Retreat Ministries and we partner with Powder Springs UMC and open our doors for some great activities and ministry to the young people that participate.  Additional information is available on their website –www.growdaycamps.org

Both are great opportunities for the kids to learn something and have fun!  Please share this with your family, neighbors and friends!  Have a BLESSED day!

En Español

La escuela está fuera para el verano del 22 de mayo!  ¿Puedes creerlo?  ¿Necesitas algo para que los niños lo hagan?  Hollydale UMC tiene algunos grandes programas de campamento de verano disponibles que tal vez desee considerar.  Los volantes se adjuntan con información sobre horarios, costos, etc. y puedes ir a su sitio web para más detalles.

El campamento de artes escénicas "Music on Wheels Academy" se celebrará durante dos semanas en junio.  Este es un campamento de verano de aprendizaje de teatro, danza, voz, piano y tambores.  La información adicional está disponible en su sitio web – www.musiconwheelsga.com

El campamento de día de cultivo-salir y crecer este verano! Se celebrará la última semana de junio.  Este campamento se realiza a través de los ministerios de North Georgia Camp & Retreat y nos asociamos con Powder Springs UMC y abrimos nuestras puertas para algunas grandes actividades y Ministerio a los jóvenes que participan.  La información adicional está disponible en su sitio web – www.growdaycamps.org

¡ Ambos son grandes oportunidades para que los niños aprendan algo y se diviertan!  Por favor, comparta esto con su familia, vecinos y amigos!  ¡que tengas un día bendecido!

Special Recognition this Sunday

Please join us this Sunday at the 11:00 am worship service as we welcome Reverend Dr. Terry Walton, the District Superintendent, who will share a special time of recognition of Reverend David Wilson’s service over the many years to Hollydale and the United Methodist church as he bestows the title of Pastor Emerituson David. This in a small way shows our respect and gratitude for David and Carolyn’s ongoing service to our church and to our Lord.  A reception will follow in honor of David in the fellowship hall, so please plan to stay and join us. See you Sunday!

Spring Soccer



Registration: In Person on March 25, 5-6PM (Or 30 min. prior to practice.)

Schedule: Monday Practice, 6-7PM (Ages 10-13)

                  Wednesday Practice, 5:30-6:30PM (Ages 4-6, Ages 7-10)

  Game Days, Saturdays in April to May 25 (All Ages), 9AM-12PM

Cost:        $50 per player (includes uniform)

Start Date: Practice Starts Week of March 25th, Games Start April 6th.

Practices and games held at 2364 Powder Springs Rd, Marietta, GA 30064.

Ash Wednesday and Lent

The Lent Season is upon us!  Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday!  Hollydale will hold its Ash Wednesday Servicetomorrow at 7pm, following theWednesday Dinner.  Please plan to join us for dinner and fellowshipat 6pmand stay for the service to begin the Lenten season with worship, reflection, reconciliation and the imposition of ashes.  If you are unable to attend the7pmservice, there will be an offering of the Imposition of Ashestomorrow morning at 10:00 amat the church.

Attached please find a schedule of the Lenten Season sermons that will be shared by Pastor April, along with aLenten Timeline that explains a little bit about the Lent Season leading up the Easter Sunday.

You might ask……What's with the ashes?  The ashes remind us of our mortality and they are also our symbol of mourning and repenting for our sins. These are reminders of our need for a Savior.  The ashes placed on the shape of the cross on the forehead of each Disciple transform the ashes into our proclamation that we have such a Savior in Jesus Christ! Ash Wednesday is a vital and holy time as we begin the season of Lent. 

Have A BLESSED day and see you at dinner on Wednesday at 6pm!

Missional Merger Meeting

On Wednesday, January 30th, at 7PM we will hold a church wide members meeting to share the exploration team's progress on what the missional merger would look like. The exploration team is going to meet four times to plan together. Just two of those meetings will have taken place by the time of this meeting so there will not be a finished idea to share; but we will be able to share written answers to some of the biggest questions we have heard from the congregation and provide updated information. The agenda for the meeting is below. Please continue to fast and pray for this meeting, the exploration team and our entire congregation that we would be guided by God to what will facilitate reaching and discipling those in our community for Christ. May we allow the peace of Christ to reign in our hearts.

Opening Prayer
Purpose/Mission of Exploration Team
Introduction of Other Team Members
Process of Exploration Team
Reading of Jonah 1 & 2
Sharing Insight from Exploration Team
FAQ Handout & Read Out Loud
Congregation prays for the Team as they continue their work

Update & planning regarding option of part time local pastor/paragraph 213 process
Closing prayer