Missional Merger Meeting

On Wednesday, January 30th, at 7PM we will hold a church wide members meeting to share the exploration team's progress on what the missional merger would look like. The exploration team is going to meet four times to plan together. Just two of those meetings will have taken place by the time of this meeting so there will not be a finished idea to share; but we will be able to share written answers to some of the biggest questions we have heard from the congregation and provide updated information. The agenda for the meeting is below. Please continue to fast and pray for this meeting, the exploration team and our entire congregation that we would be guided by God to what will facilitate reaching and discipling those in our community for Christ. May we allow the peace of Christ to reign in our hearts.

Opening Prayer
Purpose/Mission of Exploration Team
Introduction of Other Team Members
Process of Exploration Team
Reading of Jonah 1 & 2
Sharing Insight from Exploration Team
FAQ Handout & Read Out Loud
Congregation prays for the Team as they continue their work

Update & planning regarding option of part time local pastor/paragraph 213 process
Closing prayer