Pastor and Other Updates

Good morning to you all!  A few updates to share with you for this week. 

Pastor Hull saw his doctor today for his shoulder injury and rotator cuff.  He said there were mixed reviews.  His rotator cuff has healed nicely and will probably not require surgery.  YEAH!  As for shoulder blade, he did sustain a fracture and it is taking longer to heal which limits the amount of rehab he can do.  Prayers for continued healing!

The Annual Conference, which is usually held in June has been rescheduled for August 29 & 30, reduced to two days (Fri & Sat) so pastors can be back in their church on Sunday. Dan Wier is our Lay Delegate and he and Sheila will be attending as Hollydale's representative, along with our pastor and his wife Stacy.  Also, Reverend David Wilson & Carolyn are regular annual attendees. 

To celebrate Holy Communion this upcoming Sunday, May 3rd, Pastor Hull is making himself available Tuesday-Fridayfrom 9:30 am to 1:00 pm at the church to hand out a prepackaged waver & juice so that all who want can join in communion on Sunday morning via Facebook live.  The elements have already been blessed and available for pickup during that time frame.  If you are unable to go to the church to get yours, please let us know and we can arrange to bring it to you.  They will be placed in a Ziploc bag for protection.  What a wonderful way to still have communion together! 

As always, Pastor Hull is available if needed.  His phone number is 678-591-0118 (cell) or 770-943-2273 (church office), office hours 9am-1pmTuesday-Friday this week.

Have a BLESSED week and STAY SAFE!