Tiffany Evans' - Fundraiser and Building Days on Habitate Home Now till Aug. 26th!

Please reserve Sept. 3rd for Tiffany Evans’ “Down payment & needed household items Fundraiser”.  Tiffany will serve Chicken Alfredo, salad, and bread that Sunday after our worship services.  She welcomes any support you can provide. 

Her goal is $3,000 which will give Tiffany her down payment, pick out a new washer, dryer, beds, couch, and other needed items.  If you want to give Tiffany something towards this, it is not tax deductible, and the check should be given directly to her, not the church.

Also, any Saturday before August 26th that anyone 18 or older wants to help with building the Habitat house can now just text Tiffany at 404.883.4916 the week before and plan to be there on Saturday.  Any amount of time will make a big difference!  Come out and show the Hollydale UMC love - bring your friends & family with you!  Let them know you are from Hollydale UMC when you show up for the build!

In His Service,
Pastor April