
Update, Praises & Continued Prayers-Tiffany Evans

Praises that Tiffany Evans is now home recuperating from her extensive surgeries and extended stay at Emory Hospital and rehabilitation center. Below is the message I received through Sharon McCravy this morning. Please continue to keep Tiffany and her children in your prayers. Thank you.

Tiffany is at home and in her words stable at the moment. The kids moved back in and everything is OK. I ask if she needed anything but she said she was ok for now. She wanted to let everyone at Church know and to keep the prayers coming. Thanks,


Received an update today from Angie, Joyce Shonkwiler's daughter-in-law. Joyce's phone is now working and she can receive calls. The number is 770-427-0972. She still has some mild covid symptoms, but is in good spirits per Angie's message below. Please continue to keep Joyce in your prayers as she transitions into this new living environment and give her a call to check on her! Hopefully she can receive some visitors soon. Prayers also for a NEGATIVE test! Thank you!

Hi Susan,

Her phone number 770-427-0972 has been ported over and is now working. Her symptoms continue to be mild and she seems in good spirits when we talk to her. Hoping for a negative test soon.

Thanks Again!


Prayer Request

Please keep Joyce Shonkwiler, her family and the staff and residents at Bethel Gardens in your prayers. Angie sent the email below making me aware they have tested positive for Covid and so far their symptoms are mild. Prayers for comfort and minor symptoms to be gone and they are feeling better very soon. Thank you.

Hi Susan,

We have all tested positive for Covid. So far all of our symptoms are mild. We pray it stays that way. Please pray for the staff and other residents at Bethel Gardens. We believe that we are the ones that brought it into the facility.

Joyce’s phone number is still an issue but Xfinity assure me it will be resolved in the next few days. 🙏🏼

We appreciate you sharing this request with the church. And your prayers.


Prayers and Praises

Two exciting messages received today from our former Pastor April……Praises and prayers for her and her girls, and brand new granddaughter! God is blessing her BIG!

IN OTHER NEWS I will be ordained at Annual Conference on JUNE 4 @ 10:30AM and would be delighted for anyone and everyone from the congregation who is able to be there to stand up for me at the Classic Center during the service and visit with me during the reception that follows. There are no words to describe how important each one of you have been on this journey for me and for my family.

IN MORE EXCITING NEWS- Hope (my oldest daughter who is 22 now believe it or now almost 23) just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. They named her Iris Elizabeth Brown, was born May 4 at 12:08AM. Thank you for being such a strong family of God for my girls and always having them in your prayers.

Update on Tiffany

Updated 5/10/22 on Tiffany Wilkerson

Please continue to keep Tiffany Evans in your prayers. She underwent surgery yesterday and when speaking with Sheila Wier, Tiffany indicated the surgical procedures went well, and today she will transfer to rehab with the implantation of her loop recorder doing well also. I’m not sure if she will stay at the Medical Center or move to another facility for rehab. Sheila asked her to let her know once she is transferred, so an update email can be sent out. She continues to need our prayers! Thank you.

Update on Tiffany

Please continue to keep Tiffany Evans in your prayers. Debra Bozeman spoke with her last night and sent the update below on Tiffany’s condition. I also received an email this morning from Sheila Wier letting us know Tiffany will be having surgery this morning to try and determine where the bleed originated. She said they have told her when someone has the type of stroke she experienced, they often have a second one that can be devastating. She will be recovering at the VA Medical Center. LOTS of prayers are needed for answers, peace of mind, comfort and healing for Tiffany!

Message from Debra last night:

Hi Susan, I just got off the phone with Tiffany. She wanted me to pass some information on to the church. She is really in need of prayers right now. She suffered a hemorrhagic stroke, a brain bleed that disrupts the brain function. She has lost movement on her side but she is able to move a little now and use a wheelchair. She said to let everyone know that this in itself is a miracle. It is also a miracle that she is not in a coma now. She said the doctors did not even believe she was having a stroke. Another miracle is that Tiffany is left handed and can still use her right hand. She is scheduled to have a procedure called a T.T. T. scope to see what caused the bleed. They are going to put in a 3-year loop recorder to monitor her heart. I know this is a lot of information but she wanted everyone to know. She was in good spirits on the phone but this on top of everything else she's been through is bringing her down. Please pray for healing and peace of mind. Her sister in law will be bringing the kids down for mother's day. I don't know if they plan to come to church but I think we should invite her so we can pray for those babies. Call me if you need more information.

Prayer Request

Please continue to keep Tiffany Evans and her family in your prayers. Sheila Wier spoke with her last evening and below is an update on Tiffany’s health situation. This woman has gone through so much and God needs us to stand in the gap for her with our thoughts and prayers for healing. If you are able to visit, I know she would love to see you.

Message from Sheila…..

We received a call last evening from Tiffany Evans. She asked us to request prayers for her from our congregation. She recently experienced a Thalamic Stroke. She is in the Atlanta VA Medical Center at 1670 Clairmont Rd, Decatur, GA 30033. Her room number is: 7C120, bed 2. She is able to have a couple of visitors at a time, but there are plans to move her to a rehab facility as soon as they are able to find a spot for her. If you would like to visit her, she suggested you text her first to make sure she is still in the VA Medical Center. She is unable to answer her phone, but the staff there will be able to help her respond to a text message. Her cellphone number is: 404-883-4916.

She is also able and happy to receive snacks and or treats to lift her spirits!

She told us that her two youngest children, Elena and Ponce, are still with her brother and sister-in-law, here in Georgia. Please ask our congregation to keep her and her family in their prayers, contact Tiffany by way of text messages, and plan to visit her if possible! Thank you!


from Beth Justice Sauerbrun

Please continue to keep Mary and her family in your prayers.

Knowledge is power and we learned a lot from the consult with the Medical Oncologist today. Mom and I both really liked her. She was patient, gentle but also direct. Above all else she was positive, supportive and encouraging while also being 100% honest.

Mom officially diagnosed with Adenocarinoma of the lung. While this is stage 4 and has aggressive tendencies, it's very responsive to chemo and immunotherapy. PET scan was a little concerning because her spine was a bit lit up which indicated possible cancer in the bone.

The doctor put in a referral for a STAT liver biopsy to determine if the liver spots are indeed lung cancer that has traveled or if it's a separate cancer altogether. If the results are it's lung cancer, then my understanding is that's how they will handle the bone as well. IF the liver comes back as something else, then they will have to go in and scrape the bone to biopsy it.

We are still waiting on results from Caris testing which was part of the original lung biospy. This will determine if the main cause of the cancer is gene mutation. If so, she can be treated with immunotherapy only. If the driving factor is something else, then she will have a treatment plan of both chemo and immunotherapy

She did more blood work today to rule out leukemia lymphoma due to her white blood count being elevated.

We go back in 3 weeks to find out the exact treatment plan. We need to wait for a few tests to come back as well as complete the Gamma Knife procure next Thursday as that takes immediate precedent and the other therapy cannot be done at the same time.

All in all, while the Dr says a cure cannot be guaranteed due to the cancer having spread from the initial affected area, it can be treated/managed as a chronic disease such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

The only restriction mom was placed on was no driving. This is temporary, approx 3 months, while we perform the Gamma Knife and have the 3 month follow up MRI to check the status of the brain mass.

We consider today's appt a win and are confidently walking forward in the knowledge we gained. Our specific prayer is that the liver biospy confirms its lung cancer that has spread and that the Caris results confirm driving factor is gene mutation.


Joyce is home! She is feeling better but says she feels weak. Hoping she can get some rest (you never get sleep in the hospital) and gets stronger every day. Thanks for the prayers as they have certainly been felt. Keep them coming!

Update on Joyce - 3/25/22

Praises! Joyce's daughter-in-law said Joyce may be going home today! Will confirm once she is home. Thanks for your continued prayers.

Update on Joyce Shonkwiler.... 3/24/22

Please continue to keep Joyce in your prayers. This is an update from Gail Black.

Joyce is slowly improving. She walked farther today than yesterday, eating well and in good spirits. We are hoping she can be discharged by the weekend. We appreciate the cards, phone calls, love and prayers. She is looking forward to being back at church soon.


On Mary Justice, from Beth:

We have received an update from the Pulmonologist regarding the Chest-Abdomen-Pelvis CT. It was not the news we were hoping for. The scan revealed a spot on her right lung, her middle chest cavity via the lymph nodes and there is also a spot on her liver.

She will have a lung biopsy on Monday and then potentially will go home while we wait for results. She will then follow up with Kaiser for her treatment plan.

She still has a pending spinal tap to test her cerebral fluid. Could happen today or over the weekend. There is also an order to move her from ICU to the regular room.


3/25/22 - UPDATE FROM BETH ON Mary E Justice

Neuro just left. No plans for discharge anytime soon. First step is the Chest Abdomen Pelvis CT to check for any other tumors. If they find one, they will biopsy that and If no other tumors are found, then we either do biopsy of brain mass or a resection (?) to remove as much as they can. She got a 10mg dose of steroids will get additonal doses every 6 hours. She's complaining of low back pain from simply laying flat on her back and her medical team has been wonderful at getting that addressed along with everything else. There is talk of possibly moving her out of ICU to a regular room but nothing definite on that. ICU nurse loves her cause she said moms such an easy patient. Ha! The nurse believes she can have 2 visitors at a time. If more are here, it is unclear whether they can wait inside the hospital or not. Mom is okay with visitors, I just ask that you reach out and let me know so I can coordinate as best I can.


Please keep Mary E Justice in your prayers. Many are friends with Mary on Facebook and have seen the concerns expressed the past few days about her health. Below is an update from Beth. Please pray for answers, comfort and healing. Thank you.

Update on mom:

Her CT this morning revealed a mass and swelling on the right side of brain. She was referred to Emory St. Josephs for an MRI and Neuro eval. We only got the first part of that completed. She is being admitted so they can treat the swelling with IV steroid treatment and monitor her. Tomorrow she meets with Neuro team, has a biopsy, possibly another MRI and anything else her Internal Medicine team orders. There was mention of a CT CAP and PETSCAN on her CT report from this morning.

As I finish this up, they are prepping to move her to a room.

Prayer Request

Please keep Mary E Justice in your prayers. Many are friends with Mary on Facebook and have seen the concerns expressed the past few days about her health. Below is an update from Beth. Please pray for answers, comfort and healing. Thank you.

Update on mom:

Her CT this morning revealed a mass and swelling on the right side of brain. She was referred to Emory St. Josephs for an MRI and Neuro eval. We only got the first part of that completed. She is being admitted so they can treat the swelling with IV steroid treatment and monitor her. Tomorrow she meets with Neuro team, has a biopsy, possibly another MRI and anything else her Internal Medicine team orders. There was mention of a CT CAP and PETSCAN on her CT report from this morning.

As I finish this up, they are prepping to move her to a room.


Please continue to keep Joyce Shonkwiler in your prayers. Joyce is at Cobb Wellstar (not Kennestone as previously mentioned) and waiting for some test results from her fall. Her son Marty is with her. Gail spoke with her this morning and Joyce said she is very dizzy and can't lift her head without feeling dizzy. Marty,her son sent Gail an update and said that the test results they’ve got back so far

are normal which is good, but still trying to determine why she passed out and fell. Please pray for answers for Joyce and healing. Thank you.


Update from Shirley after her knee replacement surgery.

Good Morning Susan!! Let everyone know I seem to be recovering nicely. Not much pain, some swelling and bruising. Let everyone know how much we appreciate all everyone has done for us including prayers, cards, calls, visits and food. We are so grateful for all of you ❤ and love you all. Continue to keep us in your prayers 🙏, thoughts and love. What a wonderful church family.

Love Beyond Compare

Greetings saints, I eagerly anticipate our time of gathering on Sunday. We will share scripture from Luke 6 : 27-36 with a message entitled “Love Beyond Compare “

Until we meet… Pastor Hull

Join us this Sunday for our in-person worship at 11:00 am, where Pastor Hull will bring the message “Love Beyond Compare” with scripture reading from Luke 6:27-36. We would love to see you in the sanctuary but understand there are still concerns about meeting in group settings. Our Facebook live service will begin at approximately 11:20-11:25, so please join us then. We look forward to sharing worship with you whether in the sanctuary or from your home!

Due to the Covid virus continuing to rise in numbers, we remain on a mandatory mask status for in-person services and have hand sanitizer stations in both buildings, as well as clean and sanitize the sanctuary after each Sunday service. We appreciate your continued cooperation in this safety measure and helping to keep us all safe and healthy.


Church Address:

2364 Powder Springs Road

Marietta, GA 30064


(770) 943-2273 office

(678) 591-0118 – Pastor Hull’s cell #

Prayer Requests

Prayer requests….

From Walter Robertson.....

Please keep Shirley Robertson in your prayers. Shirley will be having knee replacement surgery on Tuesday of this week. Prayers for the medical team and for comfort and healing for Shirley.

From Carole Shelburne....

Please keep Cindy Northrop, Carole's daughter, in your prayers. Also pray for Carole's sister Pam. Pam is in the hospital with Covid and very sick. Thank you.