Prayer Request

Please be in prayer for the family of Brandi English. Brandi is a long time friend of my two children and she died suddenly this morning leaving behind two young boys, Mason and Waylen. Please keep these boys and her family in your prayers as they grieve this sudden loss. Brandi was always a happy person who made people feel special. She will be missed by many friends and her family. Thank you.

Prayer Request

Received the prayer request below from Mary Justice for her cousin Jamie Scott Justice and her husband Michael and daughters.  Please keep them all, as well as the medical team performing her surgery, in your prayers.  Thank you.

Prayer request

Susan, I would like to lift up a very special prayer for my cousin Jamie Scott Justice, her husband Michael and their girls. Jamie has been on our prayer list before with the finding of cancer. She is having surgery today (Whipple procedure). Prayers for the surgeon, the hospital staff and all involved. I know that God is the Great Physician, the Great Healer and the giver of Strength and Peace. My prayer is for all of that for Jamie.

Prayer Request

Please keep Walter Robertson (and Shirley) in your prayers. Walter will undergo knee replacement surgery tomorrow morning (Tuesday, 4/6) at Piedmont Hospital. Please keep the medical team in your prayers as well. Walter has many health problems which makes the surgery concerning. Prayers for a successful surgery as well as comfort and healing for Walter. Shirley will be able to be with him at least during the day, which is somewhat comforting for Shirley and Walter. If you would like to send a note or card to Walter, their address is provided below. Thank you.

1849 Kolb Farm Cir SW

Marietta, GA 30008

Prayer Request

Please keep Fred Birk’s mother and their family in your prayers. She has been put under Hospice care. Fred and Rick are flying to Iowa in the morning to be with her and Fred’s father. Prayers for safe travels and answers and comfort for his mother and peace for the family in any decisions made.

Also, Fred has asked that no post be made directly to him at this time as his father shares some friends on FB and he doesn’t want him to get upset. His father is not part of the Hollydale Family FB page so please know it’s okay to share your support for them through this page. Thank you.