Prayer Request

Good afternoon Hollydale Family,


I received the email below from Marsi Arcaro(Toni Cox’s daughter) requesting prayer for her health concerns and pending answers to them.  Please keep Marsi and her family in your prayers as they go through this journey and answers bringing good results.  Thank you.



Hi Susan, I would love if the community could lift me up in prayer. I went in for an MRI for my shoulder and they discovered that I have an enlarged thyroid with several nodules. They then referred me for an ultrasound. They now say that based on the ultrasound, I need to have 2 of the nodules biopsied. I am getting the run around with doctors. They are saying I now need to see an ENT and the earliest I can get in is September. Please pray that I can be seen sooner and get good results. Thanks so much! Marsi Arcaro