Prayer Request

Received the message below from Donna Parrish asking for prayers for her sister Pamela Howell. Please keep Pamela in your prayers as she travels this journey with her cancer struggles asking for comfort and peace for her and special prayers for her husband Marvin. Also, keep Donna and the rest of their family in your prayers as they love Pamela through this. Thank you.

Subject: asking for prayers

Hi, Susan. I request prayers for my family. My sister, Pamela Howell, has been diagnosed with cancer. She is being released from the hospital Saturday to hospice care. We don't know how much time Pam has left but we are counting each day as a gift. Her spirits are pretty good and the doctors are managing her pain. Thanks in advance for all who remember us in their prayers. This is especially hard for Pam's husband. So specials prayers for Marvin, please.

Yours in Christ,

Donna Parrish