
Saturday- 2/13

I have good news! Praise God!

Karl had a temporary pacemaker put in yesterday, his heart rate is staying at a constant 60. It was dropping to the low 20’s, which is much too low. His kidneys are healing and he does not need dialysis. His lungs are healing and not collapsing with every move. He still has a blood infection and this infection has set up in the lungs. He on a very strong antibiotic. He is still intubated and on a ventilator. On Monday and Tuesday they are putting in a feeding tube and a tracheotomy so they can remove the ventilator from his mouth. He has been in ICU for 24 days and intubated for 16 days. I am looking forward to him being able to open his eyes and smile.

Sunday – 2/14

Today Karl had a fever! They are trying to find the source of the problem. Dr. Winer, his surgeon, told Heather and I that he will take 15 steps forward and 8 steps back. I pray that this is just a small set back. 

From his daughter Heather…..However, he is not doing well today. It looks like he has a brain bleed. His medical team is fighting hard for him.