Special Request Kahmani Zeon
/As I was perusing Facebook and drinking my coffee this morning, I came upon a special message from Kahmani Zeon that I felt needed to be shared with her Hollydale family. As many know, Kahmani is currently in Hong Kong in school. Below is what she shared and I’m passing this along to you for consideration. What an AWESOME missionary Kahmani would be to the people in Kenya! He love for the Lord is amazing and she will show that just in her smile. Please consider supporting her first international mission trip. The link to her GoFundMe account is provided below as well.
My purpose in life is to heal and help people. One of my biggest short-term goals is to go on a mission trip before graduating college. I graduate in May 2020, and have been blessed with the opportunity to go to Kenya in December 2019. Acworth UMC's Young Adult Group will be in Kenya from December 28th through January 8th. Within the next 60 days, I will be raising money for my visa, vaccinations, travel expenses, and accommodations. This is my first international mission trip. I aspire to do missionary work all over the world. I want my hands to heal, and my smile to uplift every person I encounter. Please follow and help me on this new journey.
God Bless,
Kahmani Zeon
Susan Davis