Pack a Backpack for the Homeless

Mary Justice, who has been involved in helping the homeless for the past few years, sent the request below for those that can help this holiday season.

Jason Winter (Hope thru Soap) is doing his annual backpack blessings this year. The goal is 300 backpacks for the folks on the street.

If anyone would like to donate a backpack or two that would be fantastic and I know Jason would be appreciative and the folks would have a smile on their face.


Scarfs, toboggans, gloves, hand warmers, socks, tooth brush, tooth paste, hand wipes, blanket, shampoo, deodorant, combs, hygiene items, maybe a paperback book, little notepads, pens or pencils, some non perishable snacks, and a bottle of water. If anyone wants to do a ladies backpack, just add some feminine products.

Also for a child, add coloring or activity books, crayons and bubbles.

The backpacks can be brought to the church no later than the 2nd Sunday in December, I will gather them and deliver. Just place them in the back of the church.