Prayer Request

Please keep Pamela and Robert Tallman and family in your prayers.  Pamela is Louise White’s sister who lives in St. Augustine, FL.  Louise sent the request below relating to Pamela and their son who was in a terrible accident on January 16th.  Please keep all involved in your prayers and pray for strength, comfort and healing.  Thank you.

Susan, Please put my sister Pamela Tallman and her family on the prayer list. On Tuesday Jan. 16th her husband got a call that his son was involved in an accident at work. A generator had exploded sending metal fragments into his body and burning over 70% of his body. This happened in Gainesville Fla., Pam and Robert live in St. Augustine so they headed straight there. Well by Friday, Pam was admitted to critical care in St. Augustine for Bronchial Pneumonia on a ventilator. Robert is running himself crazy trying to work and go back and forth to both hospitals.