Continued Prayer Request

Please continue to keep my brother-in-law, Jerry Wade, sister Sandy and their family in your prayers.  As mentioned in an earlier email a few days ago, Jerry was to undergo a PET Scan for cancer and a biopsy on his lungs.  The tests showed cancer in the left lung, lymph node and liver and is at stage 4.  They will start chemo next week and said it will just keep him comfortable, he could live 4 months or up to a year.  They will be doing an MRI on his brain next week as this type of cancer usually travels to the brain.  Pray for my sister Sandy who is scared to death.  Pray for acceptance, courage, understanding, strength, patience, comfort and healing.  Also pray for the medical team that will be taking care of him and that his care is the absolute best there is out there.  Thank you.     


Susan Davis