Prayer Request

Please keep Gail Black’s daughter-in-law Paula and her family in your prayers.  She was on a mission trip and a large tree limb fell on her.  Below is a note that was received.  Paula is in pretty serious condition.  Please pray for healing and for the medical team taking care of her.  Thank you.

Around 3pm Sunday Paula was stuck by a large branch falling from a tree. She was ambulated to a traumatic center in Fayetteville, AR for assessment. She had a crushed vertebrae, a chipped vertebrae, a fractured clavicle, and both eye sockets have fractures from the fall. Surgery is tomorrow, Wednesday. They'll be more info to follow, but for now please pray for full healing and restoration.
Joel is at Paula's side at the hospital, Gracie and Trinity are at the missions house continuing on with the work and learning...PTL.

Susan Davis