Please keep Cohen Cannon and his family in your prayers.

Mary Justice sent the message below regarding Cohen’s heart condition. 

I have a special request for cards this morning. For an 8 year old little boy named Cohen.  Cohen is the son of Amy Cannon who is a good friend of Beth's from high school. She was one of Beth's bridesmaids.  Cohen has had heart issues for a few years now.  He has to be careful of exercise as he tires really easy. He has a big brother, Will who is 12.

Amy and I were planning on going to Fan Fest in a couple of weeks, but Cohen's health has gotten worse.  His SVT episodes are becoming more frequent.  Not a good situation.  Amy is hopeful to get him to Boston for medical treatment. So our plans of course have changed.

Please pray for God to strengthen little Cohen. Pray for peace and comfort for Amy and his older brother.  Pray that God will provide a way to get this little fellow the medical treatment he needs.

I know he would love to get some cards.  Also cards for Amy. She is a sweetheart always caring for others.

Their address is:
Amy Cannon
17 Eagle Pointe Drive
Dallas Ga 30132.
