Prayer Update on Miss Nita Hilt

Please continue to keep Ms. Nita Hilt in your prayers.  Pastor April sent the message below and provided an address for cards and notes to send Ms. Nita birthday wishes and words of encouragement.  Thank you. 

Miss Nita has been moved to Signature Healthcare of Marietta in room H3.

This Sunday is her birthday and she will turn 86 years young!  Please send a card or plan to drop by for a quick visit.  I will have a sign in book there.  Please sign your name and write a message of encouragement and congratulations for Miss Nita when you visit.

That way she and her family can read them later and be strengthened.  

 Signature Healthcare of Marietta
Ms Hilt, Room H3
811 Kennesaw Ave NW
Marietta, GA 30060

 In His Service
Pastor April

Prayer Request

Please keep John Fravel in your prayers.  Carlin sent the prayer request and information below relating to his situation and surgery.  Please pray for comfort and healing as well as the medical team working with John.  Thank you.


Could you put out a prayer request for John please.

He went to the VA yesterday with kidney stone pain. It is too large to pass, so they admitted him and he will have surgery today to put a stint to release fluid from the kidney, and then they will surgically remove it in a few weeks once the doctors get a handle on exactly what they are dealing with.  Surgery is sometime this afternoon and if all goes well, he will be back home tonight.


Prayer Request

Please be in prayer for the family of Joseph Ponce.  Joseph was the man killed by a car last Wednesday morning on Akers Mill Road by a distracted driver.  He worked for HTH Company and was a contract employee with our company and worked in the outdoor maintenance group maintaining the grounds.  He leaves behind a wife, Wilma, and two sons, Will and Spencer who are 9 and 14 years old.  Please pray for comfort and understanding for his family as they mourn this sudden loss of their loved one; as well as many of our employees who worked side by side with Joseph for almost 15 years. It was quite a shock to so many.  Also, keep the driver who hit Joseph in your prayers as she deals with what has happen and will be facing some tough charges once the investigation is completed.  Thank you. 

 Susan Davis


Prayer Requests

Please keep the following individuals in your prayers.  Prayers for God’s healing hands on Walter, Joyce and Ketiva.  Thank you.

Walter Robertson – Walter is having some medical issues and undergoing medical testing.  He also recently fell at home and hit his head.  Prayers for healing and answers to medical concerns. 

Joyce Shonkweiler - Joyce slipped and fell at home on Saturday evening.  She appears to be okay, just very sore and slow to healing.  Prayers for strength and healing.

Beth Sauerbrun – Beth lost her job last week.  Please keep her and Carey in your thoughts and prayers as she begins the process of job search.  Pray for patience and quick results. 

Ketiva Lynch – Ketiva continues to battle with Lupus and multiple medical issues, as well as depression. 

Prayer Request

Please keep Beth Saubraun in your prayers.  Mary sent the email below relating to Beth’s job which has ended today.  Please keep her and Carey in your thoughts and prayers during this time of transition.  Thank you.


From: Mary Justice
Subject: Huge prayer request


Well, I was going to do something through face book to just a few but Beth has now posted it.  As of today, she is out of a job.  The company that she works for has closed their doors.  Not much of a notice.  Today is her last day. So needless to say, prayers please that something opens up fairly quickly.  This is not the news one would want during the holidays.  How do you be thankful for this?  If anyone knows of any openings, potential jobs and would like to reach out to Beth, here is her emails know when a door closes, something better opens up.  Need it to open up rather quickly. Please keep her and Carey in your thoughts and prayers during this time as it will be quite stressful.


Update -Urgent Prayer Request-Douglas Camp

PRAISES!  Douglas has been found and is okay.  Received the message below just a few minutes ago from Carole…..Thanks for all the prayers!

Susan please pass the good news that Doug has been found and is okay.  Don't know any details yet, he doesn't want to talk to anyone.  But our prayers have been answered and he is alive.  Praise God for his mercy. Thank you one and all for your prayers and your support.  Hollydale Rocks!!



Update - Urgent Prayer Request

Please continue to keep Douglas Camp, Carole Shelburne’s son in your prayers.  Carole has updated me that he has not yet been found and the police are handling the situation as a missing person at this time.  They checked his apartment and he wasn’t there, still no answer on his phone.  They can account for his whereabouts up to Monday night, so it appears whatever has happen was on Tuesday morning. Please pray for his safety and for comfort and patience for Carole and her family as they deal with this disappearance.  Thank you. 

Urgent Prayer Request

Received the message below fromCarole Shelburne regarding her son Douglas Camp.  Please be in prayer that he is found quickly and is safe.  Thank you.

Susan I need the help of all the prayer warriors in our church.  I have just received word that my son Douglas Camp is missing.  He has not been seen since yesterday evening when he left work.  He did not go to work this morning and his truck is not at his apartment.  His phone just goes to voice mail.  We have the police on it and the jail and many hospitals have been contacted with no luck.  The next step is to get the apartment managers to open his door and see if he is in his home.  Please pray that he is safe and that he will be found soon.  Yours in Christ, Carole

Susan Davis